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Quality Association

The Quality Association for the Heavy Duty Corrosion Protection of Powder Coated Valves and Fittings (GSK), has the aim to ensure the qualitative requirements for pipeline network world wide. It was founded more than 20 years ago. Today the GSK includes approximately 30 members, this includes world's leading companies of valve industry and epoxy powder manufacturer.

Epoxy resin powder coating, in- and outside in accordance with the quality assurance RAL-GZ 662 of the "Gütegemeinschaft Schwerer Korrosionsschutz GSK" (Association for Excellent Corrosion Protection with Epoxy resin powder coating) in accordance with DIN 3476 (P) and DIN 30677-2 (layer thickness min. 250 μm, freedom of pores by electric impact test of 3 kV, adhesion in- and outside min. 12 N/mm² after conditioning for 7 days in deionized water at 90 degr. Centigrade, approved for use in potable water systems, controled by independent test institute.)


  • Meeboldstraße 22
  • 89522 Heidenheim, Germany